
... at the GIC-K Intranet page of our Internal Testpanal.

If you do not see the menu bar on top: Click Allow Cookies

How to register for the panel (for non-members):
- Click the grey button 'Click here to register...' top left
- Fill in your P&G e-mail address, assign a password, register
- You'll get an email from info@icf.opinioninsight.com
- Click the Confirmation Button in the email

How to Login into your account (for members):
- Fill in your P&G E-Mail Adress, your Password (independant from your P&G password), click 'I'm not a robot' and the Login-Button
- If not seeing the reCAPTCHA grafic "I'm not a robot" above the Login-Button: Go into the browser settings, clear cache/ temp. files, close and re-open the browser and then login again (contact IT-kiosk if you need help to solve this P&G network issue)

For Problems with Homepage: raesch.a@pg.com
For Tests: Test-Owner
Test Invitations you will receive via email from sender: info@icf.opinioninsight.com

Für Probleme mit der Homepage: raesch.a@pg.com
Bezüglich Tests: Jeweiliger Test-Ansprechpartner
Test Einladungen kommen via email über die Adresse: info@icf.opinioninsight.com